Feb 1, 2023
Mandeep S. of Aurora, CO won a MILLION dollars in the Millions Series second chance drawing!
Mandeep S. of Aurora, CO won a MILLION dollars in the Millions Series second chance drawing! We surprised him and his family at his home on January 31, 2023 and they were all overwhelmed with joy at their good fortune.
Mandeep and his family said this was the miracle they needed and it has changed their lives. He also credits this win to God - he and his family are Sikh and they had just come back from the Gurudwara temple when we surprised them with their check.
Mandeep says he will use the money to take care of his family and his community. "As Sikhs, that’s our first duty - to help our fellow person," he said. "That’s what I plan on doing through my foundation, which I can launch with these winnings." He added he also plans to start his own stock and futures trading business.
Congrats and good luck, Mandeep!
How would you like to have a big check delivered to your home one day?
Whether you play Jackpot games, Scratch games or both, there’s a Bonus Draw that you can enter today! It’s easy – check out more info on Bonus Draws here.